- Ubsalia
- Glucks
- 008
- Zerplast
- 003
- 002
- 011
- Alles Is Always Already Stained
- Camarero
- 012
- Illumi
- 009
- The Funny Nilpferd Canción
- 015
- 013
- Profundo
- La Bête Noire
- 14
- Saboni
mockART started to work on their first album in 2006 and it was released in 2007. The recording process was an experiment with limited resources that lead to some creative ideas how to create sounds and sample them. A lot of instrument parts and vocals where recorded through the microphone build in the computer. For this recording mockART was rabirius with Bernd Geiling, Sr. Gummishoe, Helano, Trini and Töffchen.
The untitled one minute tracks were taken from mockART’s first release 15 Partes del Mundo. The record was released as a limited edition CD.
In 2018 the album was remastered and republished.