First, we are sorry that we haven’t kept you up to date. But so many things were happening at the same time. Especially for me, rabirius, who maintains this webseite.
Apart from many things mockART, there were also a lot of things rabirius to take care of, like a couple of exhibitions. For one of the exhibitions we also created a soundtrack that also is our new album, views | interrupted. For the exhibition I teamed up with Sonja Ackermann and Christian Rocas. We all created six artworks that relate to each other and gave them all the same name. With a topic like that, Christoph and I just had to convert these themes into music, so it became our new album. Though the exhibition is over now, you can still have a little peak through the window.
The new album was first made available at the exhibition. Remaining copies of the CD you can purchase on Bandcamp. Certainly, the album is available at the usual streaming sites. Please check the music section for direct links. Also, we have some fresh merchandise for the new album, which you can find at our shop.
At the moment we are working with other artists on a couple of remixes. We will publish them first on the usual streaming sites and later collect them as a remix EP. We will keep you updated.
Also, we have started working on our new album. At this point we don’t want to disclose anything about the project, but we will definitely let you listen to a new track or two early next year.